To give you a little idea of what Thiudsch looks like, here are the 100 most common nouns, verbs and adjectives in Thiudsch.
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Thiudsch | IPA | English |
ald | /ald/ | old |
(thi) Arvaad | /θɪ ˈarvad/ | (the) work |
(ther) Daj | /θɛ͡ɐ da͡ɪ/ | (the) day |
diuer | /ˈdjuɐ/ | expensive |
driarij | /drɪˈarɪ/ | sad |
(thi) Duir | /θɪ du͡ɪr/ | (the) door |
dun | /dʊn/ | to do |
(ther) Fader | /θɛ͡ɐ ˈfaːdɐ/ | (the) father |
(that) Iado | /θɐt ˈjaːdɔ/ | (the) car |
jeven | /ˈjevɛn/ | to go |
jevven | /ˈjɛvɛn/ | to give |
jliaven | /ˈljavɛn/ | to believe |
jluiklig | /ˈlʊ͡ɪklɪg/ | happy |
jrot | /jrot/ | big |
jud | /jud/ | good |
jun | /jun/ | young |
kald | /kald/ | cold |
(that) Kinth | /θɐt kɪnθ/ | (the) child |
klaan | /klaːn/ | small, little |
koinnen | /ˈkɔ͡ɪnɛn/ | can, to be able to |
kommen | /ˈkɔmɛn/ | to come |
(ther) Kop | /θɛ͡ɐ kɔp/ | (the) head |
kurs | /kʊ͡ɐs/ | short |
laagd | /laːgd/ | easy, light |
laate | /ˈlaːtɛ/ | quiet |
lan | /lan/ | long |
lantam | /ˈlantam/ | slow |
(that) Lanth | /θat lanθ/ | (the) country, land |
latten | /ˈlatɛn/ | to let, to leave |
(that) Leven | /θat ˈlevɛn/ | (the) life |
liad | /ljad/ | loud |
liijen | /ˈliˈjɛn/ | to lie, to be located |
(thi) Liivve | /θɪ ˈliːvɛ/ | (the) love |
magen | /ˈmagɛn/ | to do, to make |
(ther) Mann | /θɛɐ man/ | (the) man |
(ther) Mensch | /θɛɐ mɛnʃ/ | (the) person, human |
moijen | /ˈmɔjɛn/ | to like |
(thi) Mudder | /θɪ ˈmʊdɐ/ | (the) mother |
muitten | /ˈmʊ͡ɪtɛn/ | must, to have to |
naa | /naː/ | near |
neemen | /ˈneːmɛn/ | to take |
nennen | /ˈnɛnɛn/ | to name, to call |
niu | /nju/ | new |
(ther) Ord | /θɛɐ ɔ͡ɐd/ | the place |
paaren | /ˈpaːrɛn/ | to drive, to go |
palsch | /palʃ/ | wrong, false |
pern | /pɛ͡ɐn/ | far |
pinthen | /ˈpɪnθɛn | to find |
(thi) Praje | /θɪ ˈprajɛ/ | (the) question |
(thi) Pria | /θɪ prɪ͡a/ | (the) woman |
(ther) Priunth | /θɛ͡ɐ prɪ͡ʊnθ/ | (the) friend (male, neutral) |
(thi) Priunthin | /θɪ ˈprɪ͡ʊnθɪn/ | (the) friend (female) |
priunthlig | /ˈprɪ͡ʊnθlɪg/ | friendly |
(that) Provvlem | /θat prɔvˈlɛm/ | (the) problem |
puuiren | /ˈpuːɪrɛn/ | to lead |
rigdij | /ˈrɪgdi/ | correct, right |
(thi) Saad | /θɪ saːd/ | (the) time |
saajen | /ˈsaːjɛn/ | to show |
schnell | /ʃnɛl/ | fast |
schoin | /ʃɔ͡ɪn/ | beautiful, pretty, nice |
(thi) Schule | /θɪ ʃuːlɛ/ | (the) school |
schvag | /ʃvag/ | weak |
schver | /ʃvɛ͡ɐ/ | difficult, heavy |
sdark | /sdaːk/ | strong |
(thi) Sdathd | /θɪ sdat/ | (the) city |
sdeven | /ˈsdevɛn/ | to stand |
(thi) Sdrate | /θɪ ˈstraːtɛ/ | (the) street, road |
taan | /taːn/ | to be |
(thi) Tage | /θɪ ˈtagɛ/ | (the) thing, matter |
tajen | /ˈtajɛn/ | to say |
teven | /ˈtevɛn/ | to see |
thenken | /ˈθɛnkɛn/ | to think |
thuirpen | /ˈθʊ͡ɪrpɛn/ | may, to be allowed to |
thunkel | /ˈθʊnkɛl/ | dark |
tollen | /ˈtɔlɛn/ | should, to be supposed to |
tvregen | /ˈtvrɛgɛn/ | to speak |
unpriunthlig | /ˈʊnprɪ͡ʊnθlɪg/ | unfriendly |
vaar | /vaːr/ | true |
(thi) Vaarvaad | /ˈvaːrvad/ | (the) truth |
vaaten | /ˈvaːtɛn/ | to be called |
vaittlig | /ˈva͡ɪtlɪg/ | ugly |
valden | /ˈvaldɛn/ | to hold, to stop |
(thi) Vanth | /θɪ vanθ/ | (the) hand |
varm | /varm/ | warm |
(that) Vatter | /θat ˈvatɐ/ | (the) water |
vaven | /ˈvavɛn/ | to have |
(ther) Vej | /θɛ͡ɐ vɛ͡ɪ/ | (the) way, path |
(thi) Veld | /θɪ vɛld/ | (the) world |
vell | /vɛl/ | bright, light |
verthen | /ˈvɛ͡ɐθɛn/ | to become |
(ther) Viam | /θɛ͡ɐ vjam/ | (the) tree |
(that) Viat | /θat vjat/ | (the) house |
villig | /ˈvɪlɪg/ | willing |
(ther) Vimmel | /θɛ͡ɐ ˈvɪmɛl/ | (the) sky, heaven |
vitten | /ˈvɪtɛn/ | to know |
vlaaven | /ˈvlaːvɛn/ | to stay |
(thi) Voge | /θɪ ˈvɔgɛ/ | (the) week |
vollen | /ˈvɔlɛn/ | to want |
vrinnen | /ˈvrɪnɛn/ | to bring |
vvillij | /ˈvɪli/ | cheap |