Thunkel Vart (It Was Dark)
Thunkel Vart

"Dunkel wars" is a joke poem written by an unknown author. I added a few verses in a similar style, translated it to Thiudsch and made it into a song.

Lyrics Thiudsch

Thunkel vart, ther Month schiin velle;
Schnee laj iap ther jruinen Plur;
Alt thi Kudsche vlidschjeschvinthe;
Lantam um thi Eke puur.

Thrinnen taten sdeventh Liude;
Schvaajenth int Jetvraig ferdiipd;
On ther Kudscher iap them Rotte;
Vellvag diip on pesde schliip.

Aaner var aan vlonther Juinlin;
Thetten ravenschvarset Vaar;
Fon ther Puille taaner Jaare;
Schon jans vaat jevorthen var.

Neven iim aan aldet Vaave;
Saailde kiam ersd tegseen Jaar;
Tat iap aaner jruinen Kisde;
Thi rod anjesdrigen var.

Driam on Virkligkaad ferschmelsen;
Nigted erjivd meer aanen Tinn;
Venn thi Rejeln nigd meer jelden;
On ig jans ferloren vin.
Venn thi Rejeln nigd meer jelden;
On ig jans ferloren vin.

Rint umver verrschd liadet Schvaajen;
On mid puirgderligem Krag;
Tviilden in thet Jratet Svaajen;
Svaa Kamele liadvalt Schag.

On thi Kudsche puur im Drave;
Ruikvairted aanen Verj viniap;
Throven soj aan vaater Rave;
Aane alde Durmuur iap.

Fon ther rejennatten Sdrate;
Virvelde ther Sdiav empor;
On ther June vaa ther Vidsche;
Maigdij an then Ooren pror.

Vaathe Vainthe in ther Dasche;
Viild er tig thi Iajen su;
Thenn er konnd et nigd erdrajen;
Vii that Faalgen rog thi Kuu.

Diiper, diiper in thi Irre;
Irren, Virren, vaadervin;
Diamle ig an Vaantinnt Schvelle;
Vit ig jans ferloren vin.
Diamle ig an Vaaintinnt Schvelle;
Vit ig jans ferloren vin.

On svaa Pische liipen munder;
Thurg that vliae Kornpelth vin;
Enthlig jin thi Tonne under;
On ther jriae Daj erschiin.

Oven iap them Apelviam;
Ther teer tuite Virnen druj;
Vin thet Pruuilint ledschde Pliame;
On an Nuitten nog jenuj.

Uiverm jruinen Aventhvimmel;
Thaimmerde ther Morjen schon;
On ther schvarse Apelschimmel;
Magde viivernth kaanen Don.

Sderne punkeln in ther Erthe;
Aatij vrennd thi Tonn verav;
Iap them Pelth ther Viaer ernded;
Prisch jetaaidet Unkriad av.

Isd thi Schvelle uiverschridden;
In then Avjron raan ig vlik;
Taj mir, vat vad mig jeridden;
Vlikd ther Avjron nun suruik. 
Taj mir, vat vad mig jeridden;
Vlikd ther Avjron nun suruik.

Lyrics English

It was dark, the moon shone brightly;
Snow lay on the green meadow;
When the carriage with high speed;
Slowly came around the corner.

Inside people sat standing;
Silently absorbed in conversation;
And the coachman on the horse;
Deeply slept wide awake.

One of them was a blonde young boy;
Whose jet-black hair;
From the abundance of his years;
Had already become white.

Next to him was an old crone;
Barely sixteen years old;
Sitting on a green chest;
That had been painted red.

Dream and reality merge;
Nothing makes sense anymore;
If the rules don't apply anymore;
And I'm completely lost.
If the rules don't apply anymore;
And I'm completely lost.

Loud silence was all around;
And with horrible noise;
In the twigs of the grass;
Two camels loudly played chess.

And the carriage rolled trotting;
Backwards up a hill;
On the top a white raven;
Wound up a clock.

From the road, which was wet from rain;
Dust blue up;
And the boy in the carriage;
Was freezing his ears off.

Both hands in his pocket;
He covered his eyes;
As he could not bear;
How the violet smelled the cow.

Deeper, deeper into error;
Errors, confusion, ever more;
I'm staggering at the edge of madness;
Until I'm completely lost.
I'm staggering at the edge of madness;
Until I'm completely lost.

And two fish lively ran;
Through the blue cornfields;
Finally the sun set;
And the grey day appeared.

On top of the apple tree;
Which grew very sweet pears;
Hung the last plume of Spring;
And plenty of nuts.

Abover the green evening sky;
The morning already dawned;
And the black dapple-grey horse;
Neighed not a sound.

Stars sparkled in the soil;
Icily the sun burnt;
And on the field the farmer harvested;
Freshly sown weeds.

Is the threshold overstepped;
I stare into the abyss;
Tell me, what got into me;
Is the abyss staring back.
Tell me, what got into me;
Is the abyss staring back.