Even gods succumb to fate. Unless they decide they don't want to. When that happens, the world stands still, as the story can't progress when what is written doesn't happen. Unless the world decides it doesn't care for the script anymore.
In the darkness of the First Age;
Where no light could touch the land;
Monsters roamed, abound with power;
This is where time and space began.
Burning willed, the Gods came thund'ring;
And they brought the First to Fall;
Took their power, spoke in fire;
And reshaped the world for all.
Oh, the Gods, they ruled in splendor;
Air and Earth and Night and Sun.
But they heard the Askar whisper:
"The Third Age will come."
In the Second Age the Gods;
Prepared, divided in their might.
Rotnir of the air and fire;
Avlir of the earth and night.
A prophecy that fate had written;
A battle fought to close the age;
Where one of fire, one of earth;
Would meet there on that fateful stage.
Oh, the Gods, they fought with valor;
One by one beneath the sun;
All the while, the Askar whispered:
"One age ends, the next will come."
Two were left, in Askar’s tale;
When destiny should be won;
"Why must we fight, why must we die?"
And with that, they were done.
They did not strike, they did not fall;
They chose another way;
And then the world came to a stop;
The sun stood still that day.
Oh, the gods, they all have fallen;
Only two defy the drum.
And by now the Askar thunders:
"The Third Age must come!"
Outmaneuvered, out of time;
Fate unraveled at the seams;
For the story that was written;
Fell apart like shattered dreams.
Oh, the world has broken shackles,
Free from fate it’s overcome.
And despite the Askar’s writings:
"The Third Age has come."