I rearranged Goethe's poem The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Der Zauberlehrling) into a more song-like form and translated it to Thiudsch.
Vad ther alde Vexenmaasder tig thog aanmal vejvejeven!
On nun tollen taane Jaasder iag nag maanem Villen leven.
Taane Vord' on Verke merkd ig on then Vriag;
On mid Jaasdettdairke du ig Voner iag.
On nun komm, thu alder Veten! Nimm thi schlegden Lumpenvuillen;
Visd schon lane Knegd jeveten; nun erpuille maanen Villen!
Iap svaa Vaanen sdeve, oven taa aan Kop;
Aale nun on jeve mid them Vatterdop!
Valle! Valle! Mange Sdreke;
Thatt, sum Sveke, Vatter pliitte;
On mid raagem, follem Schvalle;
Su them Vathe tig erjiitte.
Teed, er liopd sum Uper niither; vaarlig! Isd schon am Plutte;
On mid Vlidschettgnelle viither isd er viir mid raschem Jutte.
Schon sum svaaden Male! Vii that Veken schvilld!
Vii tig jethe Schale foll mid Vatter puilld!
Sdeve! Sdeve! Thenn vir vaven thaaner Javen folljemetten!
Ag, ig merk et! Veve! Veve! Vav ig thog that Vord ferjetten!
Thad er viither virth vat er iinsd jeveten;
Ag, vairesd thu dog nur ther alde Veten!
Naan, nigd lainer kann ig't latten;
Vill iin patten. That isd Duike!
Ag! Nun virth mir immer vainer!
Velge Miine! Velge Vlike!
O thu Iatjevurd ther Voille! Toll that janse Viat ertiapen?
Tee ig uiver jethe Schvelle thog schon Vattersdroime liapen.
Aan ferrugder Veten, ther nigd voiren vill!
Sdok, ther thu jeveten, sdee thog viither sdill!
Teed, tha kommd er schleppenth viither! Vii ig mig nur iap thig verpe;
Jlaag, o Kovolth, liijsd thu niither; kragenth drippd thi jladde Schairpe.
Vaarlig! Vraf jedroppen! Teed, er isd endschvaa!
On nun kann ig voppen, on ig adme praa!
Veve! Veve! Vaathe Daale;
Sdeen in Aale schon alt Knegde;
Foillij perdij in thi Vooie!
Velpd mir, ag! Iir vooen Maigde!
On tii liapen! Natt on naitter virth't im Taal on iap then Sdupen.
Velg entededschliget Jevaitter! Verr on Maasder! voir mig rupen! -
Ag, tha kommd ther Maasder! Verr, thi Nod isd jrott!
Thi ig riip, thi Jaasder, verth ig nun nigd lot.
In thi Eke, Veten! Veten!
Taath't jeveten. Thenn alt Jaasder;
Rupd iug nur, su taanem Sveke;
Ersd verfor ther alde Maasder.
The old sorcerer went away for once!
Now his spirits should heed my will.
I remember his words and the ritual;
And with mind's power, I, too can work miracles.
Now come, you old broom! Take these damaged rugs;
You've been a servant for a long time, now obey my will!
Stand on two legs, with a head on top;
Now hurry and go with the water bucket!
Churn! Churn! Some distance;
For the purpose of water flowing;
And with with rich, full swell;
Pour into the tub.
Look how he runs down to the shore, truly! He's already at the river;
And fast as lightning is he back here to pour.
A second time, see how the tub fills!
How every bucket fills with water!
Stand! Stand! We have had enough of your gifts!
Oh, I notice! Woe! Woe! I forgot the word!
So he will be as he once was;
Oh, if only you were the old broom again!
No longer can I leave it;
Want to get him. This is wicked!
Oh! I fear more and more!
What face! What gazes!
Oh, you spawn of hell! Do you want to drown the house?
Already I see streams of water flow across every threshold.
An accursed broom that refuses to listen!
Stick that you were, stand still!
Look, here he comes, carrying more! See, how I tackle you;
Soon, Kobold, you will fall; cracking the sharp edge hits.
Truly! Good hit! Look, he is asunder!
And finally I can hope, and breathe easy.
Woe! Woe! Both halves;
Stand up again;
Complete as servants!
Help me, oh! You high powers!
And they run! Wetter and wetter become the hall and stairs.
What horrible water! Lord and master! Hear my dries!
Oh, here comes the master! Lord, the peril is great!
The spirits that I summoned, ignore my command.
In the corner, broom! Broom!
As you were! As a spirit;
Summons you, as he wills;
The old master only.