For some strange reason Youtube suddenly started bombarding me with videos on pet rats. So I decided to write a song about rats. To be more exact, about Artisan Rats, a species of rats with human-like intelligence, who live in the homes of witches and wizards and serve them, basically because they feel like it.
In the corners, out of sight;
Crafting wonders through the night.
Paws that move with careful grace;
Leaving not a single trace.
Through the tunnels, swift I go;
Secrets only we would know.
Helping hands for those who see;
Magic in a rat like me.
I'm a rat, I'm a rat, small and nimble, that is that;
Waiting calmly and in silence, watch the world from where I'm at.
I'm a rat, I'm a rat, and my feet go pitter-pat;
Tiny spirit, scurry quickly, and I always find my track.
Building bridges, weaving spells;
Hidden dens where no one tells.
Tools and trinkets, fine and small;
Made by paws, I build them all.
Years I gather, knowledge deep;
Guarding secrets that I keep.
With a spark and knowing eyes;
Every day’s a new surprise.
I'm a rat, I'm a rat, small and nimble, that is that;
Waiting calmly and in silence, watch the world from where I'm at.
I'm a rat, I'm a rat, and my feet go pitter-pat;
Tiny spirit, scurry quickly, and I always find my track.
Through the Shattered Lands I roamed;
Built my world, my skills honed.
Now among the magi’s light;
Here I thrive, both day and night.
I'm a rat, I'm a rat, small and nimble, that is that;
Waiting calmly and in silence, watch the world from where I'm at.
I'm a rat, I'm a rat, and my feet go pitter-pat;
Tiny spirit, scurry quickly, and I always find my track.