trance, vocal trance

A departure from my usual style, I just felt like it. The original lyrics are several years old, back from when I still used Garageband for creating songs.

Lyrics Thiudsch


In diipsder Nagd thi Sdille lairmd;

Fon Ligd erpuilld, fon Schvars jevairmd;

Aan Kriijer aansd thi Schvelle naam;

Then Vej fom Avjron su mir kam. 


Ig fersdanth nigd, vat iin driiv;

Taa then Jron nigd, vetvalv er vliiv;

Thog am Enthe var et jlaag;




Taan laatet Pluisdern mig ferpuuird;

Fertvrag mir tuit vat mir jevuuird;

Er vuttde vool vat mir vethiud;

Erkannde schnell, vat mig erpriud.


Thi Vorde tuit vii Vonij varen;

Tii lokden mig, drodsch ther Jepaaren;

Thi Ferlokun magd mig vaag;




Nog immer isd thi Nagd to kald;

Thi Sdille vii thi Saad to ald;

Ig taa thi Vaarvaad klar for mir;

Ig taa that Siil fon maaner Jiir.


Schadden, thrine in mig aan;

To latt mig thaanetjlaagen taan;

Er polde maanem Plee'n to jlaag:




Ig tvuirt, that Thunkle in mir schaand;

Mid maaner Teele tig feraand;

In diipsder Nagd thi Sdille thruikd;

In vaade Perne mig endruikd.


On nun enthlig taa ig klar;

Thatt ig telvsd ther Kriijer var;

Ig naam thi Schvelle, vrag then Thaag;

On polde iim int Dodenraag. 

Lyrics English


In deepest night the silence makes noise;

Filled with light, warmed by blackness;

A warrior once stepped across the threshold;

Came to me from the Abyss.


I did not understand what drove him;

Didn't see the reason why he remained;

But in the end it didn't matter.

Realm of the Dead.



His quiet whispers ensnared me;

Promised me what I'm due;

He knew what means something to me;

Quickly realized what I enjoy.


His words were as sweet as honey;

They beckoned me, despite the danger;
The enticement makes me weak;

Realm of the Dead.



The night is still so cold;

The silence as old as time;

I saw the truth clearly in front of me;

I saw the object of my greed.


Shadow, enter me;
Let me be the same as you;

He heeded my pleas immediately;

Realm of the Dead.



I feel it, the dark shines within me;

Merges with my soul;

Silence presses in darkest night;

Carries me off into the distance.


And finally I see clearly;

That I myself was the warrior;

I passed the threshold, broke the dike;

And followed him into the Realm of the Dead.