Down in the works, the poor slave away every day, breathing in the poisonous steam. The term "children of dirt" was coined by the High Elves and refers to all humans, because of their lack of magic.
Hands in soil, we build, we break;
Through ash and steam, for progress’ sake.
The earth beneath, our cradle, grave;
We toil as fools, we toil as brave.
Smoke in our lungs, the red breath sings;
A price we pay for fleeting things.
Steel, wood, stone, we shape and burn;
From dirt we came, to dirt return.
We are the sprogs of dust and pain;
Bound to the soil, the blood, the chains.
Through sweat and fire, rise and fall;
The earth will take us, it takes all.
Dreams in the dark, the Amber calls;
A fleeting glow through city walls.
Its grip is sweet, its sting is near;
We chase the stars, then drown in fear.
Towers rise and shadows loom;
Above the poor, their silent tomb.
The broken climb, the strong remain;
The wheel keeps turning, bound by pain.
We are the sprogs of dust and pain;
Bound to the soil, the blood, the chains.
Through sweat and fire, rise and fall;
The earth will take us, it takes all.
Stone on stone, the grind won’t cease;
Our hearts are heavy, long for peace.
Yet in the dirt, our roots run deep;
A world we sow, a world we reap.
We are the sprogs of dust and pain;
Bound to the soil, the blood, the chains.
Through sweat and fire, rise and fall;
The earth will take us, it takes all.